Absolute rubbish. This is ripoff ware. This cant find lost partitions
What is the point. $60 to scan for deleted or lost files? Macs spotlight does nost of this. This cost more thamn the whole OS. I wouls like my money back. This company is a waste of money.
I read that review by Topsel thinkng this would allow me to recover a partition. Obviously someone from this company is wriing reviews for thier own product and got confused what crap theyre trying to feed up. This will not recover partitions. This will only scan a mountable disk looking for files where the location has been lost in it table of contents. There are free programs that do this. Im choked. Dont buy this and dont ever trust this company.
Shame on apple for allow this crap in the app store. This company andf all its products should be removed.
really friggin choked about
Disk Drill Media Recovery, v1.8.2